Welcome to my third annual list of fab Chanukah/Hanukkah gift giving.  Hope you like this year’s picks!!

Day One


Are you a mensch? Well, yeah, by definition you are. Mensch literally means “human being.” Okay, the label is debatable for some folks but…

Anyway, what we mean when we call someone a mensch is that they are kind, decent and reliable. Someone who always seeks ways to help others. It is the highest of compliments and I aspire to be one every day.

Chanukah is all about giving, right? So give yourself, or better yet, someone else, the Mensch on a Bench. This new tradition is sure to bring friends and family together and put more Funukkah in your Hanukkah!


Day Two

I’m sorry but I always use the “F” word when I talk about this holiday. Oh, get your mind out of the potty. Food. I meant FOOD. A 2012 and 2013 comes in at number two this year.

Be a mensch and fill hearts and stomachs with some fab lox and latkes from the one and only Schmaltz Deli (https://schmaltzonline.com/)!

The Festival of Lights is hard work and bubbe is worried that you are getting too skinny. So don’t wait, call or click now and put some meat on those bones. Eat bubelah, eat.

Day Three

“She’s always there with chopped liver and sound advice. No more worry- for the smallest or largest of challenges- the answers are here. Just ask yourself, what would bubbe say?”

Almost half way through already. Can you believe it? Bubbe is thrilled that you had a good meal from Schmaltz Deli last night. Now it’s time to treat those you love with some “WWBS” paraphernalia. Yep, she has her own line of stuff and it’s really fun.


Keep warm with a steaming cup of hot chocolate in a “What Would Bubbe Say” coffee mug.  Or hang a “WWBS” ornament on your Chanukah bush!  Give a WWBS pillow or blanket to your BFF. This shop on Café Press has everything the bubbe lover in you needs!


Day Four


Oy, the schlepping I did to find this site. You MUST visit the ModernTribe Hanukkah shop (http://moderntribe.com/collections/hanukkah.)  They have everything you need and then some for this eight day gifting fest. My favorite item for 2014 is this recycled bicycle chain menorah.

Created by Fair Trade cooperative artisans in Moradabad, everyone wins with this fab gift.

Day Five

got gelt

Another 2013 favorite gets honorable mention here on day five! The Funny Jewish Gifts shop at Zazzle.com tell us:

Roses are reddish

Violets are bluish

If it weren’t for Christmas

We’d all be Jewish  

Are they right, or are they right? So don a “Got Gelt” t-shirt or give bubbe a giant matzah throw cushion for her aching back. Whatever you do, take a few minutes to visit Funny Jewish Gifts at Zazzle.com.

Day Six


I am not too proud to kvell. If you’re Jewish you know what that means. If not, well look it up! I like my book. I think you will too. Mindy’s Musings is a fab little gift at any time of the year, but Chanukah is as good a time as any to have some extra laughs!   You can get it everywhere…amazon.com, smashwords, Goodreads, my website (www.mindylevy.com)  So give ‘em some love and some laughter with my book in paperback or ebook NOW!

Day Seven

Call it what you want. Kindness. Benevolence. Goodwill… Whatever the label, it’s something we can give to others during the holiday season and all year long.

It doesn’t cost money, you can’t buy it anywhere and everyone needs it. So look at your schedule and find a window where you can share this precious commodity with someone who needs it.

Here is a great site where you can find a local organization that needs your help. It takes some planning, but we can all pay it forward. Without spending a dime. http://www.volunteermatch.org/

If you don’t have time to donate, please DO find gifts that GIVE.    Here are some great websites for places that give back, help others and are sure to bring you some good karma!  Please check them out and consider choosing one of them and make a difference!

Gifts that Give:  http://www.giftsthatgive.com/

Huffington Post: 10 Holiday Gifts That Give Back  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/offmetrocom/holiday-gift-guide-charity_b_2204196.html

Find your favorite charities here with a comprehensive list from A-Z:  http://www.charitywatch.org/azlist.html

Day Eight

I always end with the same gift. Laughter.  Everyone can give this to someone. I challenge you to bring at least one smile to the face of a family member, neighbor, coworker or stranger each and every day.   Laughter is indeed the best medicine. It’s free, has no bad side effects and is available to EVERYONE!

Happy Holidays and keep smiling!



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